Towards an urban ecosystem
1.1 Theory of Architecture
Marialuisa Palumbo, architect and senior fellow of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology of Toronto University, author of New Wombs, Electronic bodies and architectural disorder (Birkhauser, 2000). Since 2003, she direct the Master di Architettura Digitale at the Italian National Institute of Architecture (IN/ARCH) in Rome. In 2004 she founded Romalab, Laboratorio di Architettura Relazionale, a research laboratory focused on the issue of public space and the search of new strategies for the development of the contemporary city. Her book New Wombs has been translated in english and chinois and her essays have been published in several collective books (Architettura e Cultura Digitale, Skira 2003; La conquista del Tempo, Editori Riuniti 2003; Mediazioni. Spazi, linguaggi e soggettività delle reti, Costa & Nolan 2005; Media Corpi Saperi, Franco Angeli 2006, Per un'architettura come ecologia umana studiosi a confronto, Jaca Book 2010).
1.2 History of the city and tools of urban design
Silvia Cioli/studioUAP(Silvia Cioli, Luca D’Eusebio and Andrea Mangoni), works mostly on public spaces and participation. Urban projects, architecture and landscape design are the occasions for experimenting models for the introduction of social interaction especially with children and low tech architecture. Research field on Rome, through Microcities (1999), Romalab (2005) and the Bilancio Partecipato (2009) together with architecture competitions (1st prizes Parco Radicelli and Paesaggi Mirati, 2008) has offered the opportunity to investigate themes applied to public works such as the kindergarten in Quarticciolo, the youth center in Corviale (innovation and urban quality prize EuroPA 2009) and the prototype design for sustainable low cost kindergarten for Bracciano and other sites.
1.3 Urban footprint, tools of environmental impact assessment
Eva Alessi (WWF), graduated with honours in Biological Sciences at University of Rome “Tor Vergata” followed by a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Since 2005, she began her collaboration with WWF Italy. Since January 2009, she is the Head of Sustainability and Footprint Programme of WWF Italy. She is currently supporting several national and international initiatives and projects concerning sustainability, human footprint and climate and land use changes.
1.4 Sustainable waste management
Andrea Masullo (WWF)
1.5 The Smart City Context
Mauro Annunziato, founded the media art-science group “PLANCTON in ’94 with Piero Pierucci focussing the research on the creative and aesthetical potentialities of chaos and artificial life, the relation between art and science, mind and society, communication and interaction. The artworks of Plancton have been diffused in art-science-technology international contexts (Imagina, Siggraph, Imagine, Generative Art, Alife, Opera Totale, Virtuality, VIDA, Experimenta, Interface, DART, Artware) and contemporary art contexts (Moscow Biennale Contemporary Art 2009). The expressive activity is strongly fused with the scientific research. At the moment he is director of a research laboratory of ENEA (artificial intelligence, chaos, neural networks, artificial life) involved on the development of future, substainable smart cities. He published about 100 papers, presentations in conferences and seminars, book chapters and reports mainly in the scientific field but also in art contexts. For the scientific and artistic results, Annunziato has been mentioned by NASA-JPL in 2000 as one of the 60 artist-scientist selected for a cultural contribution to the Mars Millennium project (
Environmental Design
2.1 Participative planning processes
Lorenzo Romito, Founding member of Stalker (since 1995) and of its network Osservatorio Nomade (since 2002). Coordinator of Osservatorio Nomade research projects including Immaginare Corviale with F. Careri (2003 - 2005). Egnatia a path of displaced memories (2002 - 2005), Campagnaromana (2006). Since 2009 is promoting the Primaveraromana citizens network for social chance, now active in the making of the "General States of Citizenship" in Rome. Graduate in Architecture at the University la Sapienza, Rome, and "Prix de Rome, architecte" at the Accademia di Francia - Villa Medici. Teaching at T.U. Delft, Urban Body courses in Madrid (2006), Bejing (2007), Rome – Beograd (2008).Teaching visual arts at IUAV, Venice in the Faculty of "Design e Arti" 2005 – 2006. Together with Stalker has partecitaped to several exhibition, publications, workshops and lectures, including the Biennale di Venezia (2001 and 2008), and Manifesta Biennal in Lijubliana (2001). Milano Triennale (2008), Rome Art Quadriennale (2008), International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (2009).
2.2 Bioclimatic priciples
Alessandra Battisti, effective teaching staff member at Architecture Faculty, University “La Sapienza” in Roma in capacity of: Associate Professor in Environmental Architecture and Technology in Architecture. “Environmental Architecture” and “Technology in Architecture” Professor. Expert evaluator for the European Community (DG TREN), in the IEE (SAVE Program). Since 2008 she is member of the Scientific Commission for “Confindustria’s” Energetic Efficiency in the European Economic and Social Committee of the European Commission in Brussels. Member of the Round Table on Renewable Energy for the Environment, Territory and Sea Protection Ministry, as an expert for Passive Energy Systems integrated to Architecture (06-08). Member of the Work Group Building’s Energy Production established to support the Senate’s Environment Commission, aimed at compiling the “Norms enforcing the Kyoto Protocol through the development of renewable resources, efficiency, innovation in the power and in the mobility systems”, as an expert for Technological systems for Bioclimatic and energy wise efficient Architecture (2006-08).
2.3 Passive technologycal systems
Gianfranco Bombaci (2a+p/a) graduates at the University of Architecture “La Sapienza” in Rome and he is PhD Architect in Environmental Design. In 1998 he cofounded the 2A+P magazine and he is one of the cofounders of the new architecture magazine San Rocco. From 2005 to 2008 he has been partner of the firm 2A+P architettura. Since 2008 he started a consulting activity on environmental and energy saving design strategies. From 2009 he is one of the two partners of architecture practice 2A+P/A. He partecipated to international design competitions, receiving prizes and honorable mentions, and he has presented his work in several conferences and workshops. His texts and projects have been published on international books and magazines. Actually he teaches at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara and at European Istitute of Design (IED) in Rome where he is also the Coordinator of the Interior Design course.
2.4 Tecnological systems
Andrea Marcucci, Master of Science in Renewable Energy Systems Technology at the Loughborough University of Technologies - Leicestershire, UK. University degree in Physic at the University “La Sapienza” - Rome, Italy. Since 1999 he plans integrated systems for heat or electricity production from renewable energy in residential, community and commercial buildings. He plans and executes training courses on renewable energy and energy saving for designers and installers (private, graduate, and postgraduate training scheme). In recent years he has taught photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies for different MSc courses (University of Camerino, University “La Sapienza” of Rome, University of Reggio Calabria).
2.5 Photovoltaic systems
Alessandra Scognamiglio, since 2000 she works as researcher at ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Solar Technologies Area / The main field of activity is Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and Ecobuildings design. In particular, she designs photovoltaic modules for building integration and architectural solutions for Photovoltaics, where the visual and multi‐functional aspects of Photovoltaics have to be carefully taken into account. She is involved in activities of promotion and dissemination of knowledge about Photovoltaics, and, particularly, she is teacher for educational/professional courses promoted by ENEA about Photovoltaics and Renewables. She gives lectures, seminars and presentations in national and international conferences and events. She is author of two Italian books about Building integrated Photovoltaics. She patented in 2006 a PV‐LEDs street lamp, named Stapelia, and in 2005 she patented a random bifacial photovoltaic module named Boogie‐Woogie.
2.7 Thermal-fliudynamics systems
Andrea Marcucci Master of Science in Renewable Energy Systems Technology at the Loughborough University of Technologies - Leicestershire, UK. University degree in Physic at the University “La Sapienza” - Rome, Italy. Since 1999 he plans integrated systems for heat or electricity production from renewable energy in residential, community and commercial buildings. He plans and executes training courses on renewable energy and energy saving for designers and installers (private, graduate, and postgraduate training scheme). In recent years he has taught photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies for different MSc courses (University of Camerino, University “La Sapienza” of Rome, University of Reggio Calabria).
2.8 Sustainable mobility
Massimo Ciuffini architetto, possiede strumenti di analisi e pianificazione nel campo dei trasporti e della mobilità oltre ad una specifica competenza nel campo della progettazione delle infrastrutture, dalla scala territoriale a quella architettonica, cui associa la sensibilità ai temi dello sviluppo sostenibile, del risparmio energetico e delle soluzioni a basso impatto ambientale. Oltre a conoscere i sistemi di trasporto a guida vincolata, ha maturato un’ esperienza specifica nel campo dei sistemi di trasporto alternativi, quali scale mobili ed ascensori in uso pubblico, Automated People Mover, funivie, cabinovie e funicolari adottati sperimentalmente in contesti inusuali.
Ha conseguito nel 1997 un master in “Tecniche di progettazione di infrastrutture di trasporto pubblico”. Tra il ‘96 ed il ‘98 ha redatto i Piani della mobilità di Ragusa, il Piano del Traffico della Città di Modica e progettato a livello preliminare alcune delle opere infrastrutturali previste in questi piani (Automatic People Mover di Ragusa, Ascensore inclinati di Modica). Nello stesso periodo ha collaborato alla stesura del PRG di Macomer per la parte relativa alla mobilità ed i trasporti. Tra il 2001 e il 2008 ha progettato tutte le opere civili del Minimetrò di Perugia (opera prototipo, unica in Europa), oltre agli impianti di risalita meccanizzata nella stazione di testa di Pincetto e il centro commerciale alla stazione di partenza di Pian di Massiano. Di questi lavori ha curato anche la Direzione dei lavori. Attualmente, per conto dell’ANAS, si sta occupando dello studio di fattibilità relativo potenziamento della SS 16 (corridoio adriatico) confrontando diverse ipotesi di sviluppo sul piano tecnico, economico e paesaggistico.
2.9 Sustainable water management
Giulio Conte MS in Biological Science (University of Rome “La Sapienza”). From 1989 to 1994 worked as water and ecosystems expert for Legambiente (one of the most spread environmental NGOs in Italy). From 1995 to 1998 is project manager of Ecomed (Agency of the Municipality of Rome to promote Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean). >From 1999 to 2008 is president of CIRF, the Italian River Restoration center. Presently works as professional environmental consultant, mainly working with Ambiente Italia Srl ( working in the field of water and land use planning, EIA, natural resource management and with IRIDRA Srl ( engineering firm working in research and design of sustainable solutions for water and wastewater management. Author of several scientific and information articles on sustainable water management and river restoration.
2.10 Landscape design
Maria Cristina Tullio architetto e paesaggista, nasce a Caracas (Venezuela) da genitori italiani e si laurea presso l'Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (I.U.A.V.) con 110/110 e lode. È iscritta all’Ordine degli architetti della Provincia di Udine dal 1987 e dopo la laurea ad una ricerca universitaria sull'Arsenale di Venezia diretta dal Prof. Vittorio Gregotti presso lo I.U.A.V (pubblicata). Nell'autunno dello stesso anno si trasferisce a Barcellona dove con diverse borse di studio frequenta corsi di dottorato, svolgendo attività di ricerca e seguendo il corso di Architettura del paesaggio del prof. Elias Torres presso la "Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura" di Barcellona. Sull’esperienza barcellonese degli anni ottanta e novanta ha pubblicato diversi articoli e curato numeri monografici in riviste specializzate e soprattutto i volumi “Spazi pubblici contemporanei” e “Barcellona città olimpica” per l’IN ASA (Istituto Nazionale delle strutture Ambientali) con cui ha collaborato dal 1985 al 1995. Ha collaborato in diversi corsi e svolto ricerche presso lo IUAV e altre facoltà di architettura italiane. Ha pubblicato articoli e ricerche su diverse riviste di settore e diverse monografie sui temi di cui si occupa e ha realizzato e sviluppato ricerche e consulenze per diversi Istituti di ricerca (Cresme, Serico, IN ASA, Legambiente, Agenzia romana per la preparazione al Giubileo, ecc.). Per la casa editrice DEI di Romana curato il volume: “Manuale di progettazione del paesaggio urbano, Esempi e caratteristiche prestazionali dei principali elementi che compongono lo spazio pubblico” (con un CD rom con più di 200 immagini). Attualmente svolge attività professionale, con studio a Roma, nelle Marche e a Udine, sui temi del paesaggio urbano e rurale. Diverse opere sono state esposte nelle Biennali di Architettura del Paesaggio di Barcellona, pubblicate nei cataloghi e in riviste del settore e hanno vinto diversi premi nazionali e internazionali. Ha seguito corsi dell’ANAB Associazione Nazionale di Bio Architettura e progettato opere con criteri bio-ecologici. Fa parte del comitato scientifico del corso sul progetto del Giardino storico di Padova. Attualmente è presidente della Sezione Centro peninsulare dell’AIAPP Associazione di Architettura del Paesaggio.
2.11 Green for Food
Barbara Invernizzi, from 1997 when she obtained graduation in Agriculture end diploma in landscape architecture, she worked in Italy and foreign countries for garden design and horticultural maintenance either in public field and private one. In Etiopia during 1988 she was responsible for nursery and green areas arrangement and horticulture and fruitculture production in the Tana Beles Project. Then in Italy and third countries she promoted and realized pilot projects for agroindustry with Agroteam Roma. From 1991 she is a consultant for agroturism and nursery farms for eco-compatibility and she operates in popular programmes for environment end landscape. From 1998 to 2006 she take care of an historic park for roman municipality and from 1997 to 2007 she was a teacher for ecosustainable gardening in the Centro Diurno Villa Lais. She follow on in planning and maintenance of private gardens and terraces in Centro Italia and recently she planned the court yard of the Faculty of Scienze della Formazione for Università Roma Tre.
2.12 Syntesis design laboratory
Luca Galofaro/ IaN+ (Carmelo Baglivo, Luca Galofaro and Stefania Manna) multi-disciplinary agency aims at being a place where theory and practice of architecture overlap and meet. In 2006, with the "Tor Vergata" University scientific research building, they won the Italian Architecture Gold Medal for the first realized work at the Triennale in Milan. In 2007 they won the first prize in the international competition “Rimesse in Gioco – Depositi di idee” for the conversion and redevelopment of the ATAC bus deposit in the Pigneto neighborhood in Rome. In 2010 they won the first prize in the Housing competition “Masterplan Cà D’oro” in Mestre. Their projects “The house of Goethe”, “Fundaciò Mies van der Rohe New Headquarter” and “Microutopias” are integrated into the permanent collection of FRAC Centre (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain) which features experimental projects of architecture from the sixties until today and organizes exhibitions in various cities around in the world. Currently IaN+ is involved in the international project “Next-Gene 21” in Taiwan, where 10 Taiwanese architects and 11 international architects have been selected (advisors Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Toyo Ito) to participate to an open-air laboratory for high quality living sceneries.
From the verification of feasibility to comunication modalities
3.1 Cost evaluation
Andrea Renzetti,Stefania Grillo
3.2 Certification
Andrea Marcucci
3.3 Instruments of representation and comunication of the project
Luca Diffuse
Master assistant
Nina Artioli